
28 June 2021

As humans we are wired for touch. Our attachment needs are greater than any other living mammal and continue into adulthood.

Babies and children who have not received the physical connection required to facilitate secure attachment still survive, but the lack of meaningful touch results in many biological weaknesses, both in the developing little one and in the context of their adult health.

A neutral, listening touch is a rare experience in adulthood. It can often be the catalyst that allows the body to start to process, and then integrate, maladaptive coping strategies.

These strategies keep a developing child alive during insecure attachment periods, and are often hard-wired by the brain into behavioural patterns well into adulthood.

Biodynamic craniosacral therapy can assist in the transition from recognizing these maladaptive coping mechanisms and supporting the nervous system as it learns that it can safely let go of this patterning.

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" I went to see Jo because I’ve suffered with chronic knee & shoulder pain for over a decade. I’d tried physio & massages which helped temporarily but the pain would always come back. After noticing ... "



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