6 August 2021
Craniosacral therapists understand the importance of listening to The Reciprocal Tension Membranes (RTM) and getting a sense of dural mobility.
The dura mater attaches to certain cranial bones intracranially and can have external portions through the sutures of the skull. In addition the dura attaches to upper cervical bones and the sacrum.
The dura mater envelopes the brain and spinal cord. In the head the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli are a part of the dural system with shifting tensions. The falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli are called ‘reciprocal tension membranes’.
The bones move in rhythm with the motion of the shifting tensions in the reciprocal tension membranes. It is by this mechanism that the bones of the head are theorized to move as the head goes through its inhalation and exhalation phases.
Underpinning the work is an inherent understanding of human anatomy & physiology. CST has its roots in osteopathy, so in order to understand how to work with the CNS, therapists must have a deep understanding of the mechanics of the body.