1 March 2022
Change is an inevitable and healthy product of personal development and growth, but abandoning who you really are in the name of being the next “best version of you” because you believe that version might get you more popularity, more love, more attention, is usually a running away from Self.
But no matter what we do or where we go, we take our whole biography with us.
Frequent reinvention is usually a desperate attempt at not being able to sit with who we really are and the truth of where we’ve been.
It’s so exhausting.
To keep running.
To keep hiding.
To keep from staring with honest eyes at your own reflection.
A line from one of my favourite poems:
Who we are and the life we’ve lived is alive and running through the blood in our veins. We can’t divorce ourselves from this.
Are you tired of running?
My door is open.
Come in.
Put the heavy bag down for a moment.
You won’t regret it.
I promise.